Frequently Asked Questions

Organnact® is an established company in the Brazilian veterinary market, offering high-quality products for your animals.

Investing in supplementation improves their nutritional status, appearance, and overall health. Additionally, it ensures significant results for athletic horses by enhancing their performance.

Organnact® offers supplements for horses in all ages and activities levels. It’s possible to supplement for various reasons, such as nutrition support, foal development, energy during exercise, muscle recovery, support during challenging time, and more. That’s why is never too late to start supplementing your horse.

It’s possible to start as soon as the foal is a newborn. Promun Newborn is an Organnact® supplement indicated to be the animal’s first contact with supplementation. It contains essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to help overcome challenges during this stage.

All Organnact®’s products are formulated with the concept of ideal protein, which essentially means providing the exact amount of amino acids – without excesses or deficiencies – to optimize protein syntheses and, consequently, muscle mass development.

Our supplements are extremally palatable, which means they are more easily accepted by your horse. All Organnact® products undergo a rigorous palatability test to guarantee at least 95% acceptance. In other words, only 1 in 20 horses may possibly reject the supplement.

The dosage can vary depending on the product formula, the horse’s weight, life stage and level of physical activity. Therefore, it’s crucial to follow the usage instructions provided on the supplement label.

We recommend following the dosage instructions provided on the product label. All of our recommendations are developed to attempted your horse’s needs in the best possible way.

Absolutely, you can focus on multiple benefits for your horse the same time. There’re no contradictions in combining Organnact® products.

From the very first day of live, as long as the products are suitable for the animal’s stage. At Organnact®, we offer a variety of supplements that can be given to your foal during this crucial stage of development.

It’s essential to follow the usage instructions on the product label. Most products can be given either pure or mixed with feed, but dilution in water is not always recommend. Therefore, it’s ideal to check the label for specific instructions.

For Athletic Horses

Organnact® offers high-quality supplements that support preparation, enhance performance, and aid in recovery for athletic horses. Additionally, you can use our products with confidence, as they’re not listed on the FEI’s doping control list.

Not all amino acids are metabolized or excreted in the same proportion as they are ingested. In animals engaged in intensive physical activities, the absorption or consumption of amino acids can exceed the protein synthesis. This makes the concept of ideal protein even more crucial for mass development and overall performance.

After intense physical activity, it’s beneficial to offer supplements that aid in reducing muscle fatigue, such as BCAA, which is composed of branched-chain amino acids. Furthermore, antioxidants options like Antiox E-C Selenium help combat free radicals caused by exercise.

For Musculature, Ligaments And Tendons Protection

Equine posture is balanced between the thoracic and pelvic limbs to support their wight and absorb impact when they stand on their front limbs. Tendons and ligaments are crucial for managing these impacts, and when they aren’t in good condition, it can lead to health issues and the development of conditions like tendonitis.

Intensive activities, whether in racing or work, increase the risk of joint problems and stress on these structures.

Mio Action is composed of antioxidants, including selenium, vitamins C and E, which protect muscle fibers from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains BCAA, such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which help maintain the structure of muscle fibers.

BCAA are composed principally of branched-chain amino acids, including leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids aid in the repair of muscle fibers, reducing muscle fatigue and supporting faster recovery after proves.

Cares With Foals And Newborns

Developmental orthopedic diseases refer to disorders of endochondral ossification that occur in foals up to 18 months of age. The endochondral ossification process is crucial for developing the bone matrix during growth.

DOD can be caused by issues with vascularization or mineralization, and factors such as environment, nutrition, and genetic predisposition may contribute to its development.

Supplementation is crucial when feed intake or nutritional quality is insufficient for the proper development of the foal. But it’s possible to start supplementing a healthy animal from their first days of life to enhance their full potential, improving development, heigh gains, gut health, immunity support, and more.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential for healthy growth in foals.

While Omega-3 supports neurological development, contributes to coat and skin health, and enhances immunity function, also helping bone health. Omega-6 plays a key role in pro-inflammatory responses, which are crucial for the body’s defenses and immune system.

Maintaining a balance between these fatty acids is important to avoid excessive inflammation and promote a health growth.

Care should begin as soon as the mare goes into labor, with a focus on maintaining a hygienic environment and preventing contamination where the labors will occur. After birth, it’s crucial to ensure the foal ingests colostrum, disinfect the umbilical cord, and, provide vaccination as recommended by the veterinarian.

It’s also essential to attend the foal’s nutritional needs, offering supplementation when necessary.

Gastrointestinal Health

Gastrointestinal diseases are closely linked to a horse’s quality of life, as they are sensitive a various factors that can affect their digestive health. Most gastrointestinal issues are related to drastic dietary changes, poor feed quality, excessive air ingestion due to stress, a horse’s physical traits, parasite infestations, and more.

Horse’s may exhibit clinics signs such as abdominal pain, distention, change in the cardiac frequency and breathing, and even changes in the color of the mucosa. You may also notivr alterations in appetite and behavior. In some cases, horse’s may show sensibility to palpation.

Preventing colic requires ensuring proper nutrition for your horse. Avoid feeding excessive amounts of grains, provide the right quantity of fibers, and ensure the environment, care, and physical activities are suited to the horse’s age and exercise level.

Additionally, products like Lactobac Equi, which contains probiotics e prebiotics, offers many benefits for maintaining intestinal eubiosis and addressing potential disorders.

Hephorse contains amino acids, artichoke, cardomarian, dandelion, and mint extract, all of which support liver function and help maintain your horse’s hepatic health.

It’s essential for animals showing clinicals signs of gastric issues to be monitored by a veterinarian. Identifying the cause, adjusting the diet, and providing appropriate supplementation as support are crucial steps.

Gastroequi Pellets is a product that contains aloe vera, licorice, and rosemary extract, which help provide gastric protection during debilitating conditions.

While Aloe vera has antioxidants, healing, and anti-inflammatory proprieties that acts directly as a gastrointestinal protector. Licorice also has anti-inflammatory proprieties, helping to combat heartburn symptoms and stimulating mucus production, which aids in protecting the gastric mucosa.

Hoof And Coat

While Biotin supports the keratin synthesis, which strengthens the hoof and improves coat quality. Beta carotene promotes cell regeneration and offers protection against oxidative damage, making it essential for maintaining hoof and coat health.

Hoof & Coat Armour contains essential nutrients like biotin, zinc, and beta carotene, which help improve skin and coat health while strengthening the horse’s hooves.

Yes, Hoof & Coat Armour contains nutrients that support skin health and enhance coat condition, making it an ideal supplement for horses with dermatological issues.

Immunity System

Nutrients can strengthen immunity in various ways:

  • Beta-glucans: support the activation of intestinal immune system.
  • Mannanoligosaccharides: help combat pathogenic bacteria’s and contribute to intestinal eubiosis.
  • Vitamin E: acts as a powerful antioxidant, fighting free radicals that can be present in debilities conditions.
  • Live strains: such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, offers benefits in maintain, restoring, and balancing the intestinal microbiota.

Weight And Muscle Mass

  • OM Turbo: is an organic modifier that completes nutritional needs of your horses, stimulating weight gain.
  • Muscle Horse Turbo: is another excellent option, as it contains essential nutrients that support development of muscle mass.

Compplet Max is a complete supplement that provides vitamins, minerals, amino acids, prebiotics, and probiotics. It’s ideal for addressing potential nutritional gaps in your horse’s diet and for supplementing their daily nutrition.

Overfeeding can be prejudicial to horse’s health, potentially leading to obesity, metabolic syndrome, laminitis, and other more issues. It’s essential to have a veterinarian to monitor your horse’s weight gain and to use the appropriate amount of feed and supplementation.


  • Antiox E-C Selenium is a product with a high antioxidant potential, ideal for improving the seminal quality of stallions.

    For mares, we recommend D-Nitrox 25 Turbo, which is rich in arginine, amino acids precursor of nitric oxide. This supplement enhances ovarian blood flow, supporting growth, development, and follicular ovulation.

Yes, however, it’s essential to follow indications and usage instructions described on the product labels. Additionally, it’s crucial to adhere to your veterinarian guidance when introducing new products into the diet of pregnant and lactating mares.

Milk quality can vary based on age, number of foals, mare’s weight, diet, environmental conditions, and stage of lactation. To improve milk quality, it’s essential to adjust the diet and management to attempts all nutritional needs according to her specific requirements.

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